📖 Learn more about Pure Liquid

⚡️ Note

This page is not still completed. I'm working in progress.🫠

What is Pure Liquid?

Pure Liquid is a starter kit for static websites with Liquid template. Pure Liquid enables you to develop a website more effectively than before if you are a theme developer for Shopify. You can also choose the Jamstack pattern in this kit.


  • Built-in static site generator
  • Breaking HTML smaller files with Liquid
  • HTML Validation with HTML-validate
  • Lint TS files with ESLint
  • Lint SCSS files with Stylelint
  • Format code with prettier
  • Compress images
  • Creating SVG sprites
  • Built-in test runner with Jest and Playwright

Start your project

Get a new project up and running locally with pure-liquid CLI.

# create a new project with yarn
yarn create pure-liquid <YOUR-PROJECT-NAME>

You can skip the package install If you use CLI.
It's ready to develop, so follow the below commands to start.

cd <YOUR-PROJECT-NAME> && yarn build && yarn start

You'll see a default page when you access http://localhost:8080 .

Directory structure

Every Pure Liquid project root includes the following directories and files:

  • src/* - Project source code (Liquid, TypeScript, SCSS, images etc.).
  • src/_data/* - A global data folder.
  • src/_includes/* - Include files will not be processed as full template files (layout, sections, snipets etc).
  • src/assets/* - Assets files (TypeScript, SCSS, images, icons etc.).
  • src/public/* - Unprocessed assets files (Font, favicon, OGP image etc.).
  • dist/* - Compiled source code (HTML, CSS, JavaScript etc.).
  • e2e/* - End-to-end testing source code.
  • .config/* - Project configuration files (.eleventy.js, .postcssrc.js .pretierrc etc.).
  • package.json - A project manifest.
  • tsconfig.json - A TypeScript compile settings.
├── README.md
├── .config
├── dist
├── e2e
├── package.json
├── src
│   ├── sitemap.liquid
│   ├── 404.liquid
│   ├── _data
│   ├── _includes
│   ├── assets
│   ├── docs
│   ├── index.liquid
│   └── public
├── tsconfig.json
└── yarn.lock